MASTODON – “Blood and Thunder”

MASTODON – “Blood and Thunder”; taken from the critically-acclaimed album ‘Leviathan’

MASTODON – “Blood and Thunder” Lyrics

I think that someone is trying to kill me
Infecting my blood and destroying my mind
No man of the flesh could ever stop me
The fight for this fish is a fight to the death

White whale – holy grail

What remorseless emperor commands me
I no longer govern my soul
I am completely immersed in darkness
As I turn my body away from the sun

White whale – holy grail

Split your lungs with blood and thunder
When you see the white whale
Break your backs and crack your oars men
If you wish to prevail

This ivory leg is what propels me
Harpoons thrust in the sky
Aim directly for his crooked brow
And look him straight in the eye

White whale – holy grail

White whale – holy grail

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26 Responses

  1. Arcterion says:

    And still this video makes no fucking sense. 😐

  2. Kapr1Sun says:


  3. Lacertilian22 says:

    Neil Fallon as a clown stills rips all these years on

  4. chromehound1 says:

    woah woah woah… Neil Fallon was the clown? Im a huge Clutch fan and I never knew that

  5. Lacertilian22 says:

    yes, he was.

  6. fivestringbassplayr says:

    the only song ill listen to by this band

  7. driekone says:


  8. driekone says:

    I remember Leviathan being the album that really got me listening to Mastodon. When I first heard it, it blew me away. Mastodon remains one of my favorite bands of all time. I even like the new shit.

  9. OoMetalCageoO says:

    Theatrically amusing … musically spot on .. again fantastic bridgework. … HD or not it’s a cool video \m/

  10. RETARDlCON says:

    2:25 anyone else notice joseph merrick, aka: the elephant man? 😮

  11. ProtestHeroicX9000 says:

    HD only became available on Youtube what, 3 years ago? Plus back then people didn’t really watch HD because it wouldn’t work on most computers at the time. Youtube was able to run so people didn’t really upgrade for a while then when HD Youtube came out they finally decided to upgrade. So yeah I think Relapse should have rereleased a little bit sooner, but it’s not too bad. No where as close as your fictitious 7 years. 😛

  12. jumpmanhat says:

    classic video!

  13. keaton121 says:

    i saw this video on MTV when i was in 6th grade and i thought it was some ICP BS. if only i could find a way to go back in time and kick my little teeth in…….

  14. 123markydemons says:

    Fuck yeah! finally we can escape from 240p

  15. m11aug97 says:

    freaking awesome

  16. PedrofoREVer90 says:

    Clip Insano !

  17. PedrofoREVer90 says:

    Muito foda!

  18. arkibored says:

    me hubiera gustado ver ballenas en este video

  19. Hellagoodedie says:

    all based off moby dick. original as fuck

  20. MastodonAD says:

    Finally, it’s in HD. Now to figure out whether it’s a guy or a chick.

  21. Brageca says:

    Beard or not, the stripper chick still gives me a boner

  22. omfgitlagz says:

    It took them about 7 years to get a better quality version of this video up on youtube. What were they doing, clowning around..?

  23. TheLotusEater17 says:

    Mastodon are so fucking manly even women grow beards listening to them

  24. gleba080 says:


  25. andrewrocknroller says:

    been waiting for this!!

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